Top Courses

Digital Parenting
Online Connections
20 minutes
Online Porn Viewing
Teens online pornography viewing habits and addiction has been declared an epidemic. The average age at which a child first encounters online porno...
1 Lectures
Sexting and Sextortion
Sexting is the act of sharing explicit photos, videos, and messages of one’s private body parts with another via an electronic device. Sexting is c...
1 Lectures
Internet Luring
In this module we will cover the online sexualization and sexual exploitation of children and it health/psychological implications. As a teenager y...
1 Lectures
Gaming Safety
Video games are a very common leisure activity with over 2 billion players worldwide.
1 Lectures


“Where kids interact, play and grow together.”

The Harmony Hub is an initiative by the iPhase Centre sponsored by the City of Edmonton. It is designed to help children reduce screen time and thrive in a world dominated by smartphones.

Through this program, children can focus on organic and interactive play in our tech-free environment, thereby developing their interpersonal, social, and communication skills.

“At the Harmony Hub, children are encouraged to develop healthy friendships and build vibrant communities through play”.

The program incorporates various engaging activities, including cultural and contemporary board games, interactive and creative activities and live storytelling sessions by grandparents and community leaders, all designed to help children reduce screen time, build lasting friendships and strengthen their communities.

 Start Date: Monday, July 8th, 2024

Location: 15397 117 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta

Registration: Now open for ages 6-12, with volunteer opportunities for teenagers.

For more inquiries, email:

Follow us on Facebook @ iPhase Centre:

Interested in the Harmony Hub initiative? please click the button below



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Our Internet safety team

We have a team of enthusiastic internet safety teachers

Abie Amen

Internet Safety Educator

Has been teaching internet safety since 2011 and she is passionate about children’s safety online

Hope Charles

Internet Safety Teacher

Hope enjoys teaching online safety to young children, “children have to be thought principles we expect them to live by”.

Sophia Igiesuorobo

Internet Safety Teacher

Sophia is a young mother who is passionate about child internet safety and is dedicated to helping other families learn how to keep their children safe online.

Ehi Amen

Internet Safety Teacher

Ehi learnt the principles of online safety at an early age and she is passionate about helping other kids learn too.


Safer Internet Day 2025

Every year, the world celebrates Safer Internet Day with a theme focused on the most pressing internet safety issues. This year’s theme highlights online fraud and scams. According to recent research, the risks of online scams, catfishing, digital threats, and the spread of harmful content continue to rise, posing serious challenges to internet safety. While […]

Posted in: Uncategorized,
Content Creation

Ten years ago, the phrase “content creation” barely existed in the form it does today. The only content we saw in the media was well-crafted, well-reasoned, and subjected to expert and public scrutiny. Traditional media houses could only carry verified information because they were subject to governmental control, broadcasting etiquette, and a regulated culture of […]

Posted in: Uncategorized,
One-on-One: The Ultimate Conflict Solution

The way we do things is rapidly changing, and so is the way we resolve issues. We now have a vast number of self-appointed-internet adjudicators who sit on matters and try to resolve it to the best of their abilities. However, because they are not trained to carry out this role, they cannot outdo themselves. […]

Posted in: Technology,
Tags: Internet Users,

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